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Car Park QR Code Phishing

QR codes are 2D barcodes that are designed to be scanned by a smartphone to direct the user to a website. Scammers use fake QR codes to lure victims to fraudulent websites to steal their banking details. This type of scam is called ‘QR Code Phishing' or ‘Quishing’.


Fraudsters sometimes place a QR code on a car park pay point. Once scanned the user is taken to a malicious website pretending to be a method of payment for the car park.


If you see these codes, do not scan them. You should resort to the legitimate payment methods displayed such as Pay to Park, RingGo and JustPark. Please be vigilant. Fake codes have been detected in Dorset.


You can read about other types of scams at the Action Fraud website: https://www.actionfraud.police.uk/

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Dorchester Sherborne Neighbourhood Policing Team

Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials