The Police
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Public reporting has helped police take action on drink and drug drivers over the festive period.

Dorset Police’s ‘Festive Feedback’ campaign encouraged members of the public to report impaired drivers, with every person who contacted police during December receiving a follow-up call updating them on the police response.


This was backed up by a range of enforcement activity, carried out as part of the Operation Limit national drink and drug drive campaign, and efforts to raise awareness on the dangers and impacts of driving whilst impaired.


Across December, the Force received 317 calls from members of the public in relation to motorists believed to be driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Officers attended 129 of these incidents and were able to locate 90 of the vehicles involved. This resulted in a total of 36 arrests.


Overall, more than one third of the drink and drug drivers arrested during the month were as a result of members of the public contacting Dorset Police via 999 or 101.


More details of the arrests can be found here: https://news.dorset.police.uk/news-article/8f44b90c-92ce-ef11-9d72-6045bdd24049


Inspector Joe Wheable, of the Roads Policing Team, said: “The Festive Feedback initiative was all about improving public confidence and encouraging reporting to police by showing that we will respond to calls around drink and drug action and take positive action.


“The response from those we contacted was overwhelmingly positive, with people indicating that being updated on the outcome of their call made them feel involved in the process.


“We would like to thank the community of Dorset for their fantastic response to this campaign.”


The enforcement activity under Op Limit included two proactive operations during December that resulted in 11 people being arrested and 10 cars seized, as well as other traffic offences being detected.


Over the month of December Dorset Police conducted a total of 178 breath tests and 93 drug wipes.


If you suspect someone has been drinking or has taken drugs and is about to drive, please dial 999 and provide the make and model of the vehicle, registration number and direction of travel.

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