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Community Contact Point with PCSO Sam @ Lytchett Matravers Library : Fri 16 May 14:30

Your neighbourhood policing team will at:


Community Contact Point with PCSO Sam @ Lytchett Matravers Library
I trialled a different day and time and found a Friday afternoon to be a good time as it coincides with a Coffee and natter session at the Library. I have the Parish councillor visit at each event informing me of information in the area. I have had several local members of the public come and say how much they appreciated the CCP. Lytchett has a large community of non drivers therefore I feel it is beneficial to a particular seldom heard group where we can offer advice as well as listen to concerns.
When & Where is it?
Fri 16 May 2025 14:30
Lytchett Matravers Library
High Street
BH16 6BG


Community Contact Points are pop-up events where you can speak to an officer from your neighbourhood policing team to report a crime or an incident or discuss issues affecting your community.


These are drop-in style events with no need to make an appointment.


Please come along as this is your opportunity to speak with your local officers to discuss any issues of concern to you.


If you are unable to attend this meeting but would like to attend a future one, look out for the dates on Dorset Alert or follow us on social media.


You can report concerns in your area, view policing priorities and a calendar of events from your local neighbourhood policing team via this link: 



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David Hill
(Dorset Police, NEO, West Dorset & Purbeck)

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