Victims of domestic abuse and sexual violence to seek help as officers continue efforts to offer support and tackle perpetrators.
No More Week, which runs from Sunday 2 March to Saturday 8 March 2025, encourages people to come together and raise awareness around domestic abuse and sexual violence.
Dorset Police continues to work with partners to tackle these issues as a priority and recent work has seen an improvement in detection rates and the number of cases resulting in a criminal justice outcome.
The Force’s efforts are also resulting in more high-risk domestic abuse offenders being arrested and an increase in the use of additional tools such as civil orders to protect those most at risk of domestic abuse.
Chief Superintendent Julie Howe, Force lead for domestic abuse, said: “Domestic abuse and sexual violence are among the top priorities for the Force. We continue to work in collaboration with our partners to ensure victims of abuse feel comfortable in reporting offences in the knowledge that they will be fully supported and treated with dignity and respect.
“We will also continue to do everything in our power to ensure offenders are held to account and all available measures are used to protect victims from further harm."
Dorset Police and Crime Commissioner David Sidwick said: “Domestic abuse and sexual violence are appalling and destructive crimes, which have a horrific impact on victims.
“Through commissioning vital services, providing funding for specialist agencies to help and support victims in Dorset and holding the Force to account, I will continue to do all in my power to ensure victims voices are heard, and that they feel confident they will be believed.”
If you are experiencing domestic abuse you can reach out to Dorset Police and, whoever you are and whatever the circumstances, we will listen.
There are national and local organisations who can help you take the first step in reporting as well.
If you’re in danger call 999. For non emergencies, report via, call 101 or visit for more information.
Support services available include the following:
• National Domestic Abuse Helpline (24 hrs) 0808 2000 247
• Victim Support 0300 3030 163
• Bournemouth, Christchurch & Poole Domestic Abuse Referrals & Support Line: 01202 710 777
• Dorset (Paragon) 0800 032 5204
• Mankind Initiative 01823 334244
• National Men’s Advice Line (Respect) 0808 8010327
• Waterlily Project 01202 246763
• STARS 01202 308840
• Paladin (Stalking) 020 3866 4107
• The Shores 0800 970 9954
• NCDV for support with Non Molestation/Occupation/Prohibited Steps orders 0800 970 2070 Read our full news release here: |